Alkaline Ceramic Ball

-food grade


-boost PH (7~10)

-boost TDS (below 300ppm)

-long last effect

-high hardness

-improve the taste of water

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Product Details

Alkaline water refers to water that has a higher pH level than regular tap water. The pH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance, with a pH of 7 considered neutral. Alkaline water typically has a pH level between 8 and 9.

Alkaline water contains minerals and antioxidants that can help combat free radicals and oxidative stress in the body. These properties are believed to have potential anti-aging and disease-prevention effects. However, the levels of antioxidants in alkaline water can vary, and the overall impact on health is still a subject of study.

This material is expecially designed for using in drinking water treatment and producing alakline awater. 

 Alkaline Ceramic Ball

As the most durable alkaline water making filtration media, the MPH Alkaline Ceramic Balls have functions as below:

• increase pH to 9~11, make strong alkaline water.
• re-mineralize RO water, much more durable than 1 year

• Provides minerals of Ca, Mg, K
• Durable and reliable performance in making alkaline water.
• improve the taste of water

Alkaline Ceramic Ball   

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